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Command of Evidence 使用证据

Relevant Words in Context 与上下文情境相联系的词汇

Revising and Editing Skills Applied to Text and Data在文本和数据中使用的修订和编辑技巧

Analysis of Sources in Social Studies, Science, and Literature 对社会研究、科学和文学素材的分析

Founding Documents and Great Global Conversation 美国立国纲领文件及重要的全球议题


As you read the passage, consider how the author uses:


Evidence such as facts or examples 证据,比如事实或例子

Reasoning to develop ideas and to connect claims and evidence 推理去阐释观点并把论断和证据联系在一起

Stylistic or persuasive elements to add power to the ideas expressed 文体的或具有说服力的要素来增加所表达观点的力度

Write an essay in which you explain how the author builds an argument to persuade an audience.



Math focused on three key areas: 数学聚焦三个核心领域:

Heart of Algebra 代数学核心知识

Problem Solving and Data Analysis 问题解决和数据分析

Passport to Advanced Math 向高等数学过渡的知识

Problems Grounded in Real-World Contexts 扎根于现实世界情境的问题

Multistep and Extended-Thinking Problems 多级和发散性思维的问题