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问题: 急~求英翻中,请有兴趣的高手协助(二)软件机译闪~

3.1 Further the Plot
In all there are mainly six to seven letters in the novel which help in the unraveling of the plot. The first letter written by Mr. Collins, “... if you should have no objection to receive me into your house, I propose myself the satisfaction of waiting on you and your family, Monday, November 18th, by four o’clock, and shall probably trespass on your hospitality till the Saturday se’nnight following...” (p.g.67) announcing his arrival anticipates the role he is to play in the plot. His later letters about how Mr. Bennet should treat Lydia or his retailing the gossip that Elizabeth will shortly be engaged to Darcy, show Jane Austen using the letter as a plot device. This she does naturally and unobtrusively, with Jane’s letters to Elizabeth (at first misdirected) “Since writing the above, dearest Lizzy, something has occurred of a most unexpected and serious nature, but I am afraid of alarming you—be assured that we are all well. What I have to say relates to poor Lydia.


3.1 推动情节

在小说中总的主要有6、7封信在帮助故事情节的发展。 柯林斯先生在第一封信中宣布他的到来: “……如果你不反对在你家中接待我的话,我希望能在11月18日即星期一四点前拜访你和你的家人,可能会打搅你到星期六(se’nnight following)……” (第67页),这预示了他在情节中所要扮演的角色。他的后几封信要么是有关班纳特先生应该如何对待丽迪娅的问题,要么就是传播伊丽莎白很快就要跟达西订婚的流言蜚语。作者简·奥斯汀正是利用这些信作为情节发展的工具。在这点上,她处理得自然得体,让人丝毫不觉得唐突,这体现在简写给伊丽莎白的信中(开始时写错了地址):“最亲爱的伊丽莎白,我在写上文时,有件最让人意想不到却又十分严重的事情发生了。我恐怕要提醒你——请保证我们都很好。我所要说的事关可怜的丽迪娅。”

注:se’nnight following这是不是拼错了阿,不懂这个词。后面的翻得有点怪怪的。