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问题: 英语高手请进,翻译专家更好!

请帮忙翻译一下,太难了!!! “为了帮助2009级新同学进一步了解学校、学院的发展现状及未来发展趋势,加深新同学对本专业的认识,尽快适应大学学习方式、融入大学生活,9月10日至12日,我院组织并举办了一系列新生入学教育活动。”


In order to help new enrollees of year 2009 learn more about the university, college's status in quo and future development trend, enhance the new students's cognition to the speciality, and adapt to the university studying styles and integrate themselves into university life as soon as possible, the college organized and held a series of educational activities for new enrolled students from September 10 to 12.