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请问Bird Flu 何解?


简言之,bird flu 是指 禽流感(鸟类流行性感冒传染病,可感染人类,并导致死亡),流感病毒A是引发禽流感的元凶,H5N1是流感病毒A的一个亚种,迄今为止,H5N1被认为会产生严重威胁的大范围流感暴发。

此外,有一首歌曲,名字就是Bird Flu.想听?到这里:

From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bird_flu
Bird flu may refer to:

【1】Biology and disease
[1]Avian influenza, influenza endemic to birds.
[2]Influenza virus A, the causative agent for bird flu; the genus of the Orthomyxoviridae family. of viruses to which all viruses responsible for Avian influenza belongs to, but also includes viruses that are endemic to humans and other animals.
[3]H5N1, a subtype of Influenza A virus endemic to birds, currently perceived as a significant emerging pandemic threat.
【2】Popular culture
Bird Flu (song), a song by M.I.A.