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问题: 英语时态题一道

It is said in the book that ThomasEdision(1847-1931)___thewold leading inventor for 60 years.
A.would be B.Has been C.had been D.was正确答案是D,但我不太懂,可以讲一下吗?谢谢


原题为;It is said in the book that Thomas Edision(1847-1931)___the world leading inventor for 60 years.

1) is said in the book 是书上所说,即现在来说。故用一般现在时。
2)说he was an inventor,是指过去,从其生卒年月可判断在19-20世纪的60年间,是当时世界上首屈一指的发明家。所以用was。ABC均不妥。如果要用had been ,则必须要在主从句中交代过去时间的先后关系。但就单句而言,只能用一般过去时了。