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问题: 急急急~~!!!翻译

九月,是希望的开始,是回报的季节。老师,就是这季节的主题。 老师,您犹如一盏明灯指引着我们,是您,把我们从懵懂带入成熟,从无知变得学有所长;是您,使我们的人生开始有梦。让我们在这个收获的季节里,向老师道一句:“老师,您辛苦了!教师节快乐!”


九月,是希望的开始,是回报的季节。老师,就是这季节的主题。 老师,您犹如一盏明灯指引着我们,是您,把我们从懵懂带入成熟,从无知变得学有所长;是您,使我们的人生开始有梦。让我们在这个收获的季节里,向老师道一句:“老师,您辛苦了!教师节快乐!”
September is the season of harvest as well as the beginning of hope. Teachers are the theme of this season. Teachers, you're like a beacon light guiding us, it is you---teachers that bring us from muddled to mature, ignorant to known; it is you---teachers that enlighten us and make our life have dreams. In this harvest season, Let us say to our teachers: "Thanks for the teachers’ hard work! Happy Teacher's Day! "