问题: 填空及翻译句子
crisis resent motion proceed self-evident emerge stick feasibility survive owe slightly appoint hazard host existence influence spring perform hesitate name obtain impulse smash widen faint reject conflict crash action threaten
1、 widen interests drew the two friends apart. 2、The chairman of the committee perform the idea as unfeasible.
3、Hei parents name him after his great grandfather, who was a Supreme Court Justice.他父母以他爷爷的名字给他命名,他爷爷是个顶级的法官
4、The plane crashed into a building when it was landing. Not a single passenger survived the tragedy.那架飞机在着陆的时候装到那个建筑物,没有一个人在这次悲剧中幸免
5、The attention of the guests was drawn to the corner of the room where a heated argument had sprung up .顾客们的注意力被房间一角越演越烈的争吵吸引过去了
6、The hoster did not sit down until he was sure that all the guests were comfortably seated in the room. 男主人在确认完每个客人都舒服地就位后他才坐下
7、Think twice before you take action. To act on impulse is not likely to do you any good .三思而后行,太冲动的行为不会对你有好处的
8、Unexpected weather conditions have made our task difficult to act .难以预测的天气情况使得我们的任务很难执行
9、The southern states self-evident to declare independence if Lincoln became President.假如Lincoln当上总统,南部宣布独立是显而易见的问题
10、You should not appoint criticism. It will only do you good if you learn to take it wisely.处于明智的考虑,你最好不要提出你的批评,这对你有好处
11、George Washington thomas Jefferson to be threaten
his secretary of state.
12、Is the elephant the biggest land animal in existence today?大象在现存的动物中是最大的陆地动物吗
13、 motion Speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩(你做的比你说的要更说明问题)
14、She has gone out of her way to help me. At least I owe her my thanks.至少我应该感谢她
15、I was brought up to think that a person should not stick to speak the truth. 我成长的过程就被教育,一个人不能总是说实话
16、Since he is unable to obtain financial support, going to college remains a dream for him. 由于没有经济上的支持,上大学只能成为他的梦想
17、There is a faint smell of gas. Let’s open the windows.屋里有一股味道,我们把窗户打开吧
18、The Yangtze River procceed as it flows further east.长江向东流去
19、A research group has been set up to work on the influence of producing a pollution-free automobile.一个调研小组成立,研究一种可以免污染的汽车
20、No one is denying now that smoking is a hazard to health. 不可否认,吸烟对健康是一种伤害
21、Several windows were emerged to pieces during the storm.由于暴风雨,很多窗户都成碎片了
22、Don’t worry. He is only slightly wounded. 别担心他只是轻微地受