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Students at our university admire their English teachers for three main reasons. To start with, the teachers’ hard work and dedication are highly inspiring to us. Second, the wonderfully creative lessons they prepare strongly motivate us to study as hard as we should. And third, our teachers’ warmly human characters create bonds of friendship that will last forever.


这句英文人称前后似乎有些矛盾,第一句讲their English,实际上通篇都是说“我们的老师”。略作修改,翻译如下:

我们大学的学生很钦佩我们的英语教师,主要原因有三个。首先,这些老师的辛勤工作以及忘我奉献极大的鼓舞了我们(或 对我们是极大的鼓舞)。再者,他们精心预备的极具创造性的课程非常能激励我们尽可能刻苦的学习。最后一点是,我们的老师热诚亲切的人格品质(使得我们师生间)建立起恒久的友谊。