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问题: 英语翻译

We’ve all known pooches who run and hide when their owners shout “let’s go for a ride”—when what they really mean is “we have an appointment with the vet.” But do the dogs really know that their people are being duplicitous?



duplicitous: 奸诈的, 狡猾的, 两面的, 口是心非的, 不诚实的, 表里不一的

我们都知道,一般的狗听到它们的主人喊“让我们出去走走”的时候-----实际上主人的真实意思是“我们去看兽医”-----就会跑掉并藏起来 。 可是,狗真的知道主人是在口是心非吗?