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Maher recently tweeted to his Twitter followers “if u get a swine flu shot ur an idiot.” On his HBO program Real Time last week, Maher went head-to-head with former Senator Dr. Bill Frist, who patiently explained why vaccines were in fact good. But Maher wasn’t buying it. He advocates a healthy lifestyle over vaccines. But polio and smallpox outmatched many robust immune systems.


Maher(美国一著名大嘴)最近在他的Twitter(一个著名微博网站)上向他的支持者高调宣称“如果你去接种猪流感疫苗,你就是个笨蛋。(ur=you are)”在上周Maher主持的HBO电视台节目“Real Time”(“实时”,一档脱口秀节目)上,他和前参议员Bill Frist博士展开了正面交锋。Frist博士在节目中耐心地解释了为什么接种疫苗事实上是有好处的,但是Maher并不买账。他宣称养成健康的生活习惯比去接种什么疫苗强多了。但是小儿麻痹症和天花也曾使许多健康人的免疫系统无法抵抗(这句话说明本文的作者至少并不完全赞同Maher的观点)。