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问题: 需要一些有关银行工作者需要学习的英语!



活期----- current.. 活期存款“current deposit”
定期----- time/fixed... 定期存款“time/fixed deposit”
利率是百分之0.72 ----- the interest rate is 0.72 percent.
利率是百分之2.85 ----- the interest rate is 2.85 percent.
存几个月 ----- how many months would you like to deposit?
存几年 ----- how many years would you like to deposit?
存钱还是取钱 ----- would you like to deposit or withdraw
基金 ----- fund
期货 ----- futures 但是“期货交易”就是“time-bargain”
输入密码 ----- enter your pin code (你也可以说“password”)

密码错误在殊一次 ----- wrong pin code,please reenter again
是不是忘了密码在想想还是不对阿 ----- do you forget about your pin code, it's still not correct, please think of it again.
您想兑换么? ----- what currency would you like to exchange?
把美元取出来后世人民币不能再兑换成美元了,您好好想想 ----- after withdraw US dollars and exchange to RMB, you are not allowed to exchange back to US dollars again on the instant, please think about it twice.

每年 百分之5.25 ----- 5.25 percent annually
每3个月百分之1.82 ----- 1.82 percent quarterly
每六个月百分之2.52 ----- 2.52 percent semiannually