问题: 请问read meat是什么东西?
Read meat 好像是red meat的误写。
RED MEAT:n.未煮前颜色是红色的肉类(尤指牛、羊肉)
Red meat in culinary terminology refers to meat which is red-colored when raw, while in nutritional terminology, it refers to meat from mammals.
In gastronomy, "red meat" is darker-coloured meat, as contrasted with white meat. The exact definition varies by time, place, and culture, but the meat of adult mammals, such as beef, mutton, and horse is invariably considered "red", while domestic chicken and rabbit are invariably considered "white". The meat of young mammals such as milk-fed veal and lamb, and that of pork is traditionally considered "white"; while the meat of duck and goose is considered "red", though the demarcation line has been shifting. Game is sometimes put in a separate category altogether (French viandes noires 'black meats').
In nutrition, "red meat" is synonymous with "mammal meat." The term is often considered misleading, as not all mammal meat appears red, and some non-mammal meat can be red.
Red meat does not refer to how well a piece of meat is cooked or its coloration after cooking. A steak or hamburger is a red meat whether it is served rare, or cooked until it is well-done; as is pork, which turns pale to white when cooked.
The two definitions agree for beef, mutton, horse, and chicken. However, they disagree for veal, lamb, rabbit, and pork. They also agree that fish and seafood are not red: the gastronomic definition does not classify them as meat at all, while some nutritional definitions classify them as white meat.
The main determinant of the color of meat is the concentration of myoglobin. The white meat of chicken has under 0.05%; chicken thigh has 0.18-0.20%; pork and veal have 0.1-0.3%; young beef has 0.4-1.0%; and old beef has 1.5-2.0%.
In the health discussion below, we assume the nutritional, not the traditional gastronomic, definitions.
WHITE MEAT:白肉,浅色肉,尤指禽类肉
White meat refers to any lighter-colored meat, often contrasted with red meat. White meat or light meat also refers to the lighter-colored meat of poultry as contrasted with "dark meat".
The exact definition of white meat varies by time, place, and culture, but domestic chicken and rabbit are invariably considered "white", while the meat of adult mammals, such as beef, mutton, and horse is invariably considered "red". The meat of young mammals such as veal and milk-fed lamb, and that of pork is traditionally considered "white"; while the meat of duck and goose is considered "red",though the demarcation line may be changing. Game is sometimes put in a separate category altogether (French viandes noires 'black meats').
A newer definition in the United States emphasizes not the appearance and strength of taste, but the fat content, making "white meat" synonymous with "lean meat"; traditionally "white" meats such as lamb and veal are reclassified as "red". Sometimes, even fish and seafood, including fatty and dark-fleshed fishes such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna, may be considered "white meat".[citation needed]
Meats which are red when raw and turn white on cooking, like pork, are now categorized by the United States Department of Agriculture as red meats,but producers and consumers may continue to categorize them as white meat.
Given current nutritional concerns, meat producers are eager to have their products considered as "white". Thus, the National Pork Board in the United States has positioned pork as "the other white meat", alongside poultry.
以上是white meat 和 red meat的权威解释,源于http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_meat和http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_meat